Services of this program are set-up to promote quality life-styles to families by adjusting living conditions, enhancing parental awareness, providing child abuse neglect prevention awareness, reunifying families, and improving parental abilities to provide a safe and adequate environmental to children.
CAA has provided these services since 1999 and aims to outreach, counsel support groups, and case management for referred families. Services are conducted once a week to assist, educate, and enhance family development on daily concerns such as emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, at risk, drug involvement, and family violence.
CAA has provided these services since 1999 and aims to outreach, counsel support groups, and case management for referred families. Services are conducted once a week to assist, educate, and enhance family development on daily concerns such as emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, at risk, drug involvement, and family violence.
This program is funded by LA County Department of Children and Family Services and Special Service for Groups.
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